On NeurIPS’ High School Paper Track

The decision to have a separate High School Project Track at NeurIPS 2024 has sparked quite some controversy, with many prominent AI researchers debating pros and cons and personal opinions, primarily on X/Twitter. Initially, I ignored this discussion, but eventually started thinking about it myself. Here are some of my thoughts.

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Thoughts on Academia and Industry in Machine Learning Research

A recent conversation with Jay Shah on his podcast made me think more about career choices and the question of “academia vs. industry” after completing a PhD. Since finishing my PhD, I also had this conversation with many other researchers — and before finishing my PhD I asked recent graduates about this myself. So, in this article, I want to share some of my thoughts.

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On the Utility of Conformal Prediction Intervals

This article is meant as an ad-hoc response to Ben Recht’s recent blog series on whether we need conformal prediction intervals. I have been thinking a lot about the use of conformal prediction myself and this seems like a good opportunity to share some thoughts and learnings from working on conformal prediction the past few years.

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Vanderbilt Machine Learning Seminar Talk “Conformal Prediction under Ambiguous Ground Truth”

Last week, I presented our work on Monte Carlo conformal prediction — conformal prediction with ambiguous and uncertain ground truth — at the Vanderbilt Machine Learning Seminar Series. In this work, we show how to adapt standard conformal prediction if there are no unique ground truth labels available due to disagreement among experts during annotation. In this article, I want to share the slides of my talk.

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PRECISE Seminar Talk “Evaluating and Calibrating AI Models with Uncertain Ground Truth”

I had the pleasure to present our work on evaluating and calibrating with uncertain ground truth at the seminar series of the PRECISE center at the University of Pennsylvania. Besides talking about our recent papers on evaluating AI models in health with uncertain ground truth and conformal prediction with uncertain ground truth, I also got to learn more about the research at PRECISE through post-doc and student presentations. In this article, I want to share the corresponding slides.

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TMLR Paper “Conformal Prediction under Ambiguous Ground Truth”

Conformal prediction uses a held-out, labeled set of examples to calibrate a classifier to yield confidence sets that include the true label with user-specified probability. But what happens if even experts disagree on the ground truth labels. Commonly, this is resolved by taking the majority voted label from multiple expert. However, in difficult and ambiguous tasks, the majority voted label might be misleading and a bad representation of the underlying true posterior distribution. In this paper, we introduce Monte Carlo conformal prediction which allows to perform conformal calibration directly against expert opinions or aggregate statistics thereof.

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ArXiv Pre-Print “Evaluating AI Systems under Uncertain Ground Truth: a Case Study in Dermatology”

In supervised machine learning, we usually assume access to ground truth label for evaluation. In many applications, however, these ground truth labels are derived from expert opinions. Disagreement among these experts is typically ignored using simple majority voting or averaging. Unfortunately, this can have severe consequences by over-estimating performance or mis-guiding model selection. In our work presented in this article, we tackle this problem by introducing a statistical framework for aggregating expert opinions.

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Interviewed by AI Coffee Break with Letitia

While attending the Heidelberg Laureate Forum this year, I got to meet Letitia Parcalabescu who is running a YouTube channel called the AI Coffee Break. Among other topics, we talked abou my PhD research on adversarial robustness. Part of our conversasion can now be found on her YouTube channel.

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Benchmarking Bit Errors in Quantized Neural Networks with PyTorch

Similar to my article series on adversarial robustness, I was planning to have a series on bit errors robustness accompanied by PyTorch code. Instead, due to time constraints, I decided to condense the information into a single article. The code for the originally planned six articles is available on GitHub.

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My Impressions (and Application) of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2023

This September, I had the chance to attend the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) for the second — and probably last — time. The HLF is an incredible experince for young researchers: Mirroring the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, the organizers invite laureates from math and computer science together with young researchers pursuing their undergraduate, graduate or post-doc studies. In this article, I want to share impressions and encourage students to apply next year!

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