Interviewed by AI Coffee Break with Letitia

While attending the Heidelberg Laureate Forum this year, I got to meet Letitia Parcalabescu who is running a YouTube channel called the AI Coffee Break. Among other topics, we talked abou my PhD research on adversarial robustness. Part of our conversasion can now be found on her YouTube channel.

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Benchmarking Bit Errors in Quantized Neural Networks with PyTorch

Similar to my article series on adversarial robustness, I was planning to have a series on bit errors robustness accompanied by PyTorch code. Instead, due to time constraints, I decided to condense the information into a single article. The code for the originally planned six articles is available on GitHub.

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My Impressions (and Application) of the Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2023

This September, I had the chance to attend the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) for the second — and probably last — time. The HLF is an incredible experince for young researchers: Mirroring the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, the organizers invite laureates from math and computer science together with young researchers pursuing their undergraduate, graduate or post-doc studies. In this article, I want to share impressions and encourage students to apply next year!

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Awarded DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award 2023

In September, I received the DAGM MVTec dissertation award 2023 for my PhD thesis. DAGM is the German association for pattern recognition and organizes the German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) which is Germany’s prime conference for computer vision and related research areas. I feel particularly honored by this award since my academic career started with my first paper published as part of the young researcher forum at GCPR 2015 in Aachen.

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