Code Released: Adversarial Robust Generalization and Flatness

The code for my ICCV’21 paper relating adversarial robustness to flatness in the (robust) loss landscape is now available on GitHub. The repository includes implementations of various adversarial attacks, adversarial training variants and “attacks” on model weights in order to measure robust flatness.

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Math Machine Learning Seminar of MPI MiS and UCLA Talk “Relating Adversarial Robustness and Weight Robustness Through Flatness”

In October, I had the pleasure to present my recent work on adversarial robustness and flat minima at the math machine learning seminar of MPI MiS and UCLA organized by Guido Montúfar. The talk covers several aspects of my PhD research on adversarial robustness and robustness in terms of the model weights. This article shares abstract and recording of the talk.

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ArXiv Pre-Print “Learning Optimal Conformal Classifiers”

Conformal prediction (CP) allows to take any classifier and turn it into a set predictor with a guarantee that the true class is included with user-specified probability. This allows to develop classifiers with sufficient guarantees for safe deployment in many domains. However, CP is usually used as a post-training calibration step. Our paper presented in this article presents a training procedure name conformal training allowing to train classifier and conformal predictor end-to-end. This can reduce the average confidence set size and allows to optimize arbitrary objectives defined directly on the predicted sets.

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Recorded ICCV’21 Talk “Relating Adversarially Robust Generalization to Flat Minima”

In October this year, my work on relating adversarially robust generalization to flat minima in the (robust) loss surface with respect to weight perturbations was presented at ICCV’21. As oral presentation at ICCV’21, I recorded a 12 minute talk highlighting the main insights how (robust) flatness can avoid robust overfitting of adversarial training and improve robustness against adversarial examples. In this article, I want to share the recording.

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