CMSimple XH Plugins: News, Pictures and Youtube

CMSimple XH is a small Content management System (CMS) written in PHP. In this article I want to present my CMSimple XH Plugins: a news plugin, a gallery and lightbox plugin and a youtube video plugin.

Update. News, Pictures and Youtube moved to GitHub, see links below.


CMSimple XH is a small Content Management System (CMS) which can be used completely without any kind of relational database. In addition the CMS can easily be extended by plugins and enriched by custom themes. In the course of my work with CMSimple XH I wrote some useful plugins for common tasks needed on every website.

My personal CMSimple XH page with demonstrations of all the below presented plugins can be found here. In addition all the plugins are listed on SourceForge. They include extensive documentation and usage examples.


News is a news plugin. News entries can be organized in categories. They can be displayed as news slider, news ticker, news archive or simply as news page. In addition News allows to enable the blog configuration option. Then the plugin may be used as simple blog like system allowing a short description and a full text for each entry.

News on GitHubDemonstration


Pictures is a gallery plugin. Pictures can be uploaded and organized in galleries. A gallery can be displayed using different drivers. Among these are popular sliders such as the bxSlider jQuery plugin or different lightboxes. Pictures takes care of automatically creating thumbnails in a configurable quality.

Pictures on GitHubDemonstration


Youtube is a youtube gallery plugin. Youtube videos may be added by their Youtube-ID which can be extracted from the URL of the video. Videos are organized in galleries. Title and description of each video can be edited and the order of the videos within a gallery can be configured.

Youtube on GitHubDemonstration

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