Running VLFeat’s SLIC Superpixels using CMake and C++

There are several superpixel algorithms out there. One popular approach is called “Simple Linear Iterative Clustering” – short SLIC [1]. One implementation of SLIC is provided as part of the VLFeat library [2] which can be used from MatLab, but provides the C source code as well. This article shows how to use VLFeat’s implementation of SLIC from C++ using CMake.

For my bachelor thesis I am concerned with superpixel algorithms - algorithms used to oversegment an image into groups of pixels using low-level features. Of course, I had a look at existing approaches, as for example "Simple Linear Iterative Clustering" (short SLIC) [1]. There are multiple implementations of SLIC available, among which is the original implementation which can be found here and an implementation which is part of the VLFeat Library [2]. More information on the actual algorithm can be found in the original paper [1].

Although VLFeat can easily be used from MatLab, I needed to use SLIC from C++. Therefore, I used CMake to add VLFeat as library and wrote a simple command line tool to be able to evaluate a whole bunch of images. A simplified version of the command line tool can be found below. In addition, the example is available on Github:

GitHub Repository

// OpenCV can be used to read images.
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

// The VLFeat header files need to be declared external.
extern "C" {
    #include "vl/generic.h"
    #include "vl/slic.h"

int main() {
    // Read the Lenna image. The matrix 'mat' will have 3 8 bit channels
    // corresponding to BGR color space.
    cv::Mat mat = cv::imread("Lenna.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
    // Convert image to one-dimensional array.
    float* image = new float[mat.rows*mat.cols*mat.channels()];
    for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols; ++j) {
            // Assuming three channels ...
            image[j + mat.cols*i + mat.cols*mat.rows*0] = mat.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[0];
            image[j + mat.cols*i + mat.cols*mat.rows*1] = mat.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[1];
            image[j + mat.cols*i + mat.cols*mat.rows*2] = mat.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[2];

    // The algorithm will store the final segmentation in a one-dimensional array.
    vl_uint32* segmentation = new vl_uint32[mat.rows*mat.cols];
    vl_size height = mat.rows;
    vl_size width = mat.cols;
    vl_size channels = mat.channels();
    // The region size defines the number of superpixels obtained.
    // Regularization describes a trade-off between the color term and the
    // spatial term.
    vl_size region = 30;        
    float regularization = 1000.;
    vl_size minRegion = 10;
    vl_slic_segment(segmentation, image, width, height, channels, region, regularization, minRegion);
    // Convert segmentation.
    int** labels = new int*[mat.rows];
    for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows; ++i) {
        labels[i] = new int[mat.cols];
        for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols; ++j) {
            labels[i][j] = (int) segmentation[j + mat.cols*i];
    int label = 0;
    int labelTop = -1;
    int labelBottom = -1;
    int labelLeft = -1;
    int labelRight = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols; j++) {
            label = labels[i][j];
            labelTop = label;
            if (i > 0) {
                labelTop = labels[i - 1][j];
            labelBottom = label;
            if (i < mat.rows - 1) {
                labelBottom = labels[i + 1][j];
            labelLeft = label;
            if (j > 0) {
                labelLeft = labels[i][j - 1];
            labelRight = label;
            if (j < mat.cols - 1) {
                labelRight = labels[i][j + 1];
            if (label != labelTop || label != labelBottom || label!= labelLeft || label != labelRight) {
                mat.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[0] = 0;
                mat.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[1] = 0;
                mat.at<cv::Vec3b>(i, j)[2] = 255;
    cv::imwrite("Lenna_contours.png", mat);
    return 0;

Using the labels, contours can be drawn around the superpixels. Figure 1 shows the resulting superpixel segmentation for different values of the regularization option. Figure 2 illustrates how the regionSize influences the total number of computed superpixels.

Lenna_contours_1 Lenna_contours_100 Lenna_contours_1000_20 Lenna_contours_1000 Lenna_contours_1000_40

Figure 1: Final superpixel segmentation generated by the SLIC implementation as part of the VLFeat Library. From left to right: regularization set to $1$, region size set to $30$; regularization set to $100$, region size set to $30$; regularization set to $1000$, region size set to $20$; regularization set to $1000$, region size set to $30$; regularization set to $1000$, region size set to $40$.

Update: Figure 2 shows images of the validation set of the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset [3] oversegmented using VLFeat's implementation of SLIC

bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1
bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1
bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1 bsd_1_vlslic_regularization_1

Figure 1: Several images from the validation set of the Berkeley Segmentation Dataset oversegmented into roughly $600$ superpixels using a region size of $10$. From top to bottom: regularization set to $1$; regularization set to $100$; regularization set to $400$.


VLFeat is distributed under the BSD license, see https://github.com/vlfeat/vlfeat. For license details of Lenna.png, see the corresponding Wikipedia entry.

  • [1] R. Achanta, A. Shaji, K. Smith, A. Lucchi, P. Fua, S. Susstrunk. SLIC Superpixels. Technical report, EPFL, Lausanne, 2010.
  • [2] A. Vedaldi, B. Fulkerson. VLFeat: An open and portable library of computer vision algorithms. http://www.vlfeat.org/, 2008.
  • [3] P. Arbeláez, M. Maire, C. Fowlkes, J. Malik. Contour detection and hierarchical image segmentation. Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, volume 33, number 5, pages 898–916, 2011.
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