Rethinking my Curriculum Vitae – Experimenting with “Personal” Identity

This article presents my freshly designed Curriculum Vitae – inspired by Corporate Identity and available on GitHub.

Throughout the last few months several occasions required me to update my Curriculum Vitae (CV). Of course, with the last year of my master's degree right ahead of me, a convincing CV is essential for both an academic career as well as a career in industry. Unhappy with my old CV template, which is shown in figure 1, I decided to redesign my CV based on the theme of my webpage. In particular, I was inspired by the concept of Corporate Identity - which, applied to CVs, might be termed "Personal" Identity.

The new template can be found on GitHub:

Please remove all personal information if you use or are inspired by this template.



Figure 1 (click to enlarge): The old, simple design of my CV.


One of the striking elements of my webpage is the header, realized in LaTex as shown in Figure 2. Of course, such a header is not part of an ordinary CV - especially in Germany -, however, eye-catching headers are used by many templates and other professionals, see here for examples.


Figure 2 (click to enlarge): The header of the new CV.

Current Employment and Studies

In addition to the header shown in Figure 2, I decided to give a quick and short overview of my current employment and studies as well as contact information right beneath the header. This way, the most important information is shown right at the beginning of the CV - intended to persuade the reader to read on! Figure 3 shows how I integrated my current employment and studies beneath the header.


Figure 3 (click to enlarge): Current employment and studies as well as contact information.

Final CV

Overall, I decided to design a two-column/one-page CV. In addition to the usual sections, I also included detailed descriptions of some open source projects and highlighted some of my accomplishments on Coursera. The final CV is shown in Figure 4.


Figure 4 (click to enlarge): The final CV.
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