Motivation Statement for an Exchange Semester at Georgia Tech

In this article, I want to share the motivation statement which I submitted as part of my application at Georgia Tech. I hope it will be of help for other students in writing good motivation statements.

Update. The motivation statement can now also be found on my "About" page.

It's rather late, but I thought it might be worth sharing my motivation statement submitted as part of my application at Georgia Tech. At the point of writing, I was in the last year of my bachelor degree and was struggling to compose a good motivation statement. I would have loved to see examples from other students at the same "career stage" just to get an impression of how to structure a motivation statement and what to include. Instead, as I didn't find any examples, I relied on some basic advice found on webpages or as part of discussions in forums. I hope that my motivation statement will be useful for students that are in the same situation as I was back then.

Note that a summary of my exchange semester, in German, can be found here.

So below, you can find my motivation statement:

Motivation Statement
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