Final Talk “Superpixel Segmentation using Depth Information”

At RWTH Aachen University, after writing a bachelor thesis, one has to give a final talk on the topic. My bachelor thesis “Superpixel Segmentation using Depth Information” examines the use of depth information to enhance superpixel segmentation by extending the superpixel algorithm called SEEDS [1]. This article presents the slides of my final talk.

Update. LaTeX source of the bachelor thesis and the slides, as well as the code for evaluation is now available on GitHub.

The used Beamer theme was created by Tobias Pohlen: RWTH Aachen Beamer Theme.

The logo of RWTH Aachen University had to be removed due to copyright issues.



  • [1] M. van den Bergh, X. Boix, G. Roig, B. de Capitani, L. van Gool. SEEDS: Superpixels extracted via energy-driven sampling. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, pages 13–26, 2012.
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