T. Ge, Q. Ke, J, Sun. Sparse-coded features for image retrieval. In British Machine Vision Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom, September 2013.

Ge et al. propose a sparse-coding approach to image retrieval. Similar to other approaches (e.g. [1]), they compute a vocabulary of visual words $\hat{Y} = \{\hat{y}_1,\ldots,\hat{y}_M\}$ from the extracted descriptors of all $N$ images $Y = \bigcup_{n = 1}^N Y_n$ and apply sparse coding as embedding:

$f(y_{l,n}) = \text{arg}\min_{r_l} \|y_{l,n} - \hat{Y} r_l\|_2^2 + \lambda \|r_l\|_1$.

where $\lambda$ is a regularization parameter and $r_l$ is the sparse code computed for descriptor $y_{l,n}$. As second step, these sparse codes are pooled into a single $M$-dimensional feature vector. Max pooling is given by

$F(Y_n) = \left(\max_{1\leq l \leq L}\{f_1(y_{l,n})\},\ldots,\max_{1\leq l \leq L}\{f_M(y_{l,n})\}\right)$

where $f_m(y_{l,n})$ refers to the $m$-th components of $f(y_{l,n})$. The final image representation is $L_2$-normalized.

  • [1] J. Sivic, A. Zisserman. Video google: A text retrieval approach to object matching in videos. In Computer Vision, International Conference on, pages 1470–1477, Nice, France, October 2003.
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