A. Koenig, B. Moo. C++ Made Easier: The Rule of Three. 2001.

Koenig and Moo provide some basic examples to emphasize the importance of the rule of three in C++ programming. They define the rule of three as follows:

  1. If a class has a non-empty destructor, it nearly always needs to define a copy constructor and assignment operator.
  2. If a class has non-trivial copy constructor or assignment operator, it usually needs both plus a destructor.

The first aspect gets apparent from the following (slightly adapted) example:

template<typename T>
class ArrayVector
    ArrayVector(int size): data(new T[size])
        delete[] data;
    int& operator[](int i)
        return data[i];

    const int& operator[](int i) const
        return data[i];

   T* data;

Now, using the class as follows will cause the destructor to call delete[] on both v1.data and v2.data:

int main()
    ArrayVector<int> v1(10);
    ArrayVector<int> v2 = v1;

Note that the source of trouble is the destructor and not the data pointer as removing the destructor would resolve the problem (while introducing a memory leak). A solution is to write a proper copy constructor and assignment operator.

Concerning the second aspect, non-trivial copy constructor refers to any copy constructor doing more than "just" copying data (or less than the default copy constructor). In the above example, implementing a (deep) copy constructor also implies the need for a destructor, thus, illustrating the second part of the rule. While a destructor almost always implies the need for a copy constructor and assignment operator, the reverse is not always true as illustrated by the case where the copy constructor deliberately copies less than the default one.

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